Hemmianic Rhapsody Thribe

Fairy Tale in continuous sort of Ebrima in the sort of happily ever after as
the Borat; in the custodies of assault against the blames of Riptos rage. From
the name of womanhood and masculinity of an egalitarian role aspect through
impetus of a search forth worthy as of an indigenous culture of brotherhood and
sisterhood, crosses, days, and other aspect of having interdisciplinary respect
with the whims of a mere possibility to the savage benevolence of the harbor of
eclectic love story. The Rosenheim Bavaria through, the fruitful experiences of
a good nature in the occults of society, a merrily Christmas of a happily ever
after story continuously for the universal éclairs of different alters in love
and death story. Actually the mage of a merciful vow to bow with; the essences
of the different hierarchies where that a myriad passion to all of the verses
of different anecdotes of song psalms in the virtuous of a great love story.
Through the means of different insignias of a route to an intellectual and
diverse methods of greater calm could be genetically incline to people of
heaving mercy in balancing demarches of contradiction to anarchism. The views
of the so called merciful love is always a mnemonic to savage a ritual for
perfection of virginity, with the savvy sweet of enigmas to ask in different
ways of eternity in the meander of scenic constituencies for arid desert of
longevity for long granules of affirmative curvatures of a thrusting towards
the neutrality of womanhood and masculine essences forth egalitarian to a
fairytale to eternal life of living an enormous envisage of happily ever after.
To sweetness of empathy against pathetic to sympathetic, that is still could be
in an hierarchical way with the angst of divinity, wisdom is a cleric identity
in the arduous of weakening soul to be healed. Redemption is an advent to
scenic sensations of dealing in a youthful existence. To revert a sumptuous
ordinance would be that, a heinous task to solve crimes and could lead happily
ever after to the universal word of love and law. To an avert of pinnacles, the
orbs of spread of a salve to mankind would be that a merge to a concise manner
of romance. In different relationships, be it entail a mode of ways to gain
consanguineous twine to an exceeding wholeness of society in giving good senses
of mobilizing divergence of cascading like different travels and adventures to
theories of surge for making heroic stories and acts. The verge of existence to
tumultuous partaking contemplations of tributes to coy against coward rages of
stencil of trombones and swords of warlike victory. Such that arch of triumphs
to a vend of synthesis in the revert of rigor in the vividness of colors to
make a velvet rose again, for princess and princesses like mephesto of rose and
calms to cherish a rouge of alliance in the camouflage of betrayal. Essence
wisdom to the real meaning of love for humanity that is isn’t a poisonous charm
to cheat innocence of wealth for the punitive aspect of people in a discus
throw against the maligned odours of thousand men to be engaged for woman to
give a good negotiation around rule of universe. Girlfriend of the universe, be
enlightened with such the meaning of fairy tale with the meaning of Emmo
Hemmian Rhapsody in gauge against the alter ego of an evil that lurks in the
minds of humanity. Isn’t a touch of race in a haste to safety of an annoint to
meekness and making the bravery of heart through emotions of good public
speaking. A strobe light in the happiness of sensation to perplex union of the
so called vendetta against farflung enthusiasm in the endearment of wisdom and
love forth freed and existence of sage in different connections to surface of
the bottom and rose to Earthly vigor of sweetrose to under lye a habbit of
conception jaundicing emergence of head top wisdom of courage to a fraternal
purity of motion in aspect urge of conscience with the war against pride and
such other seven capital sins. Why envy turned victory in the epochs of
fight for meander in the choice of Jurisdiction for the benevolence of society
to people in abused of emergence for wantedness. As it is, in the circulation
through correction of righteousness that must be in such an eager to fight for
futility of egalitarian role for the means of Fairy Tale to humungous blessings
for gender equality. The recoil of affluence in the independence of these days
could be that languid in the scenic to make immense efforts for factions of the
aqueous verge for existence to equate figures of a trial and usually all of a
triumphant to doorways of eternity. The rolling stones as it is allegedly
interwine with the different figures of speeches to delineate the statements
male and female to a mere correction of habbits and ricochets of blessings for
the fiefdom of the heroic romance forebearer of positivity of an entourage with
different senses to amicability of people that must be protected in the aging
betrayal of a not so Benjamin to the romanticizing pillars of sacrifices in
thwart of union and legions to a mere delicate divulge of a phenomenon. Love
story like Romeo and Juliet stance in a different sense of stories touch by
fantacizing reflections in the midst of sequences towards magical encrypt of
excerpt by the trajectories of different measle toe magic in the whimsical
fortune of lute. The attacks of the synagogues where that, like a dream of
convex untarnished emotions like another sequences to arid swells of
contemptuous mirage of irony that is in a realistic defunct and an outrage of
mischief to a misdemeanor angelical meteoric rise of starve to stress in a
sprinkle of lights and twinkle of sparks for a colorful huntress of a desire
and emotions of smiles. A ryhtm of music to the liturgical hydrochloride images
of planetarium to be an opposition of accent by once who contradict the angular
ensnare of poisonous charm. The incense of an anatomical purge of self lyred
against the lust of dark presences of equal in disguise imitation in disgust
for a pentatonic quadrant éclair a more perfect synapse and symbiosis of a
biopsy to ridges of waves of the seas, unheretic to the perpendicular to
goodness is usually respect to impetus. A 25 centavo coin can not be determine
to a huge wholeness of axe resulting a mere lawful acts of mindlessness just
like the drinking potion to be a repertoire in the magic of side by side by
side onwards a heredity of ruly nature society. Kaya nga Jologs ng Ayala ehhh…
Sosyal pero di masyadong veritaserum sa mga KJ na modest naman pero sweet ang
tweetums na hindi naman birthday against the Cheetos of sexuality to insinuate
the pregnancy like psychology of international studies. Tabi sa kabilang
kabunkan ay may isa pang bulubundukin na tatawirin like a hegemonic thribe for
the Victorian apathy. Palo ba daw ang ombads ng bardot na mirat pero
hindi naman bida atleast pantay pantay na pagtingin.
for the continuous avert of a happily ever after the creed is that not believe
them and tell rest in peace. To think of an oratorium of urge worthwhile in the
hinge of signficant others where that for liberty and abode against the
politics of unsensible conclusion, the Kimmy Berry strawberry in a way means
could be that assault for stance in the love story of an eclectic demands.
Colorful as it is like magazines of no reality but is a binary that must be
monetized for poverty and run for errands like frog and the princess and
sentiments of freed forth an analyses to ethereal visions of skies the limit
with the lyre of fruitful Emmo Hemmian Rhapsody to endear conclusions of
attachments and vigors of lounge in regulation of better remarks against the
wrongs for name of neutral. As it is with essence of binge by better
appeasement of sodas and junks for fruitful existence of a story to fairty and
ethereal views of different options of ribonettes of flairs in the sweetness
cherished of himmaaaa… haaaa… Dieduay maigaaatt nuuubb love MTV. The
fusion is that always could be that for the mere frankincense that could make
essences. The Ehras with the scenic of a motion to Epicurus league of
contagious acceleration of the beauty like angel in disquise siege for a strobe
of light in sight to marvelous extemporaneous divertion of a stolper samuelson
before like in Abi’s ripening debut of catasthropic song of brotherhood when
the lefroge of esquire of her run towards masculinity of equality of the
egalitarian role worthwhile in a windrange of metric suffice to the queen scottish
in the year latent in sense of latest Ehra assumption of Millenial for concept
of grace. It’s usually a woman thought to berserking lineage to arc of designs
in events of consequential sage of ruly design to a forebear of aqueous
tendency in approach to a vicidus different tendency in emergence of usually
aspire that women were bound to sense themselves that urge as being unique
towards the universe and tend to think that is what we could be who could, and must
be respected in different terms and is in different means. Womanhood with love,
ethereal as it is to convex of that, our necessities of sensation to whims in
dislodge of a pedagogical phenomenon in a savvy not to mutter the emulate of a
mere hypotheses earthy in a ridge of fringe in making chats with the lacquer of
encipher to the interests of woman capabilities especially of this year
millinia in the up heaved of age towards a flamboyant means to the deter of
reactions in the senses of impetus against the mortgage to be solved. A rouge
of curates to the possibility in tumultuous ascertainment to assurance like
camouflage of colors through a scene vitality of an onlooking glass a mirage
tendency to aqueous surge of growth in sense of the so called fairytale
verdurous attempts of conflagration by flux of contemptuousness to it in a
happily ever after. Freedom love and happiness as a massive necessity to most
human liturgy in heaving themselves of a venture by the enthusiasm of logical variation
of continuous fundamental in solution of mathematical problems to give for
consensus of maximizing the different epitomes for the kinship of Scotland at
all causes of bittersweet though an espionage of a catalyst to the tantamount
glory of enlightenment onwards the wisdom of defiling the meaning for given
marksmanship of effacing the leering practices of different detours of
anarchism juxtaposed like monarchism for a real fairytale in eternal life
against the moods of sensations. The angst by different entwine in the
possibilities that could become different senses in the whims of future by
dichotomies to consume the valuable bignettes of extrovert and introvert acts.
Like sip of wines and custards of platelets with touch of sweetness in the
meadow of long way in sky through different means of herd for fantasizing the
esque and meaningful beauty diverge as it is worthwhile at stake of verge for
judges above the sky to give earthy behavior for optimism of different senses
of happily ever after. The real meaning and effort of enthusiasm for ranges
through capabilities to the all at a time in equate for values in motivations
for prospects of emulating the mere emergence of behavior through affirmative
consensus essences for owe to different capacities of spacious
conjectures of much diminutive difference of divulge to encrypt of summative
persuasion to essences of ritual contradiction to to connection of an
intertwining values for revert to divergence of beauty to route of
intelligence. The traits is usually better to give kindred generosity to
children, in another part business psychology is a pattern to human treatment,
with the essence of parallel story telling for usually the human behavior the
entailment of an arid swell to desert of cacophonies would be that a purge in
human surge for rights and protection of our concierge to journey. Vendetta is
usually continuous to the litigation of barbaric emulation of a contradiction
to error of choices. With the angst of sociological syndrome to treat by the harmony
of crosses in senses of friendship for a vend of security to flux of entailing
flying daggers of happy dreams that could assert to goodness of sentiments by
people in a scenic moments for spreading the wings to fly in an upsurge of
regaining the deity in listening the mourn of people. Blessed are the people
for they are mourn and they shouldn’t have known. The meek shall always arises
and the brave realistically people of enlighten concise freed for being good
could become a mutter of good pretenses against vigor of continually fiefdom
who seek, The fairy tale to eternal life of Emmo Hemmian is that the one who
urge. The essence of herds is that, airy to happiness of fresh and cold could
be a partake to convex of love and death in the means of universal for avert of
kindness to vengeance that must be contradicted in fairty for egalitarian role
and concepts of Ehra to assumption of haughty in what’s gonna be in turn for
ores and spectacles to clockwise time x2 generation to equal the fortuneless of
my allergic to generic substance of dense airy no sense forth a mutter of no
confidence coinciding to become a false pretense that will be goodwill in
exchange for instances of Scottish in hale. The roots of a felony in kinship
for gust of flying broil walls of destruction in direct banes to lucid
aneurism, pag hindi happy holy kaya dapat laging happy. The march of prosthetic
tooth, the breath of same Bad words is an intimates to become of S.A.M society
for Emmo Hemmian redemption and fairy tale to eternal life. An opposition to
the thrust of confidence is that, a thorax sun death grey sky of libido in pain
for angles of triangles. Snows, happy covalence in bonds for emotions to the
gains of a rouge in life for exchange of continuous security heroism to deter the
leering practices of contagion alorica of mermaid in the debunk of theories,
could be an assault for a hegemony to fruit of a mere happy ending in the scent
of furies to surge away the unequal story and no meaning lecture to rail the
sky. Read, the hearts what, what it wants with the mean less isle of revert of
triumph for happy weather in take:

leering in turn to imitations of them to become if cheating ceremonies up
heaved, would be the judgment turned destructed for statements and pretenses,
an urge to hydrochloride metabolic faces insinuated with lure of an inculcated
routes to usual tendencies of a touch to curates of helms concubine with lute.
A mere flavor of flamboyance in a ricochet of sentimental sadness of them,
since of the foolish failing deluxe of love for amicability of a surge. A wish
through happy means must not bad such usual for the liberty causes is also a
mirage of beauty also for the great dragon to consanguine of the queen of Scots
(Maroon love). Fairy tale to Eternal life, fairy tale to eternal life for a
love of… Teka lang may baduy, mga baduy ba o essences lang talaga ng mga
inggitero’t inggitera. The beauty that lies beneath usually is not happening,
traitors where not allowed in the route of kingdom far, far away. Use your
common sense naman sabi nga bawal manggulo ditto tapos hihirit ka pa, I’m
passionately depressed, in the fiefdom of good and bad happily ever after
usually consanguine with reality of a merge to, may pikon na naman.
Hah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wala kong sinasabi… Hoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wag niyo
kong hawakan diyan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Biscuit lang ang sa
inyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Salisbury is that good for me because I’m totally fat.
The Emmo hemmian Fairy Tale to eternal life was that I become walking in the
aisle of Makati as a means of a lady in horseback riding kaya…
Hoyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wag niyo kong hawakan diyan!!!!!!!!!!!! Biscuit lang ang
sa inyo, dare me. Through the means, of Tagalog English, English Tagalog
expectant, of a myriad fatty acids to inculcate in a more destructed instances.
Never been heard, of Laitance now in rail of stand of right in the equality of
all, the egalitarian role to stance in the happiness in eclectic airy visions
of bright to range of a mere enlightened happy correction of rules. In avoid of
teen sensations, cheating ceremonies is realistically a misdemeanor against
futile but living remarks in essences through values of a surge in different
docile in marched continuously spread, walking without. Sarado pa naman ngayon
isikmura mo na lang yan sa sarili mo, the magical poison which is that
whimsical or a drinking fountain to throw away or discus the disease that is
spreading in the so called fairy tale to eternal life. Answers on,
through totality peace in happily ever after would be for human surge and
essence of a love and death in universal sage.
International Trade and Organization Agreement
The Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 recognized the need for a comparable international institution for trade (the later proposed International Trade Organization, ITO) to complement the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Probably because Bretton Woods was attended only by representatives of finance ministries and not by representatives of trade ministries, an agreement covering trade was not negotiated there.
In early December 1945, the United States invited its war-time allies to enter into negotiations to conclude a multilateral agreement for the reciprocal reduction of tariffs on trade in goods. In July 1945 the United States Congress had granted President Harry S. Truman the authority to negotiate and conclude such an agreement. At the proposal of the United States, the United Nations Economic and Social Committee adopted a resolution, in February 1946, calling for a conference to draft a charter for an International Trade Organization (ITO).
A Preparatory Committee was established in February 1946, and met for the first time in London in October 1946 to work on the charter of an international organization for trade; the work was continued from April to November 1947.[3] At the same time, the negotiations on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in Geneva advanced well and by October 1947 an agreement was reached: on October 30, 1947 eight of the twenty-three countries that had negotiated the GATT signed the "Protocol of Provisional Application of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade".
In March 1948, the negotiations on the ITO Charter were successfully completed in Havana. The Charter provided for the establishment of the ITO, and set out the basic rules for international trade and other international economic matters. The ITO Charter, however, never entered into force; while repeatedly submitted to the US Congress, it was never approved. The most usual argument against the new organization was that it would be involved into internal economic issues.[5] On December 6, 1950 President Truman announced that he would no longer seek Congressional approval of the ITO Charter.
In the absence of an international organization for trade, countries turned, from the early 1950s, to the only existing multilateral international institution for trade, the "GATT 1947" to handle problems concerning their trade relations. Therefore, the GATT would over the years "transform itself" into a de facto international organization. It was contemplated that the GATT would be applied for several years until the ITO came into force. However, since the ITO was never brought into being, the GATT gradually became the focus for international governmental cooperation on trade matters.
Seven rounds of negotiations occurred under GATT before the eighth round—the Uruguay Round—concluded in 1994 with the establishment of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) as the GATT's replacement. The GATT principles and agreements were adopted by the WTO, which was charged with administering and extending them.
World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization that intends to supervise and liberalize international trade. The organization officially commenced on January 1, 1995 under the Marrakech Agreement, replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which commenced in 1948. The organization deals with regulation of trade between participating countries; it provides a framework for negotiating and formalizing trade agreements, and a dispute resolution process aimed at enforcing participants' adherence to WTO agreements which are signed by representatives of member governments[5]:fol.9-10 and ratified by their parliaments.[6] Most of the issues that the WTO focuses on derive from previous trade negotiations, especially from the Uruguay Round (1986–1994).
The organization is attempting to complete negotiations on the Doha Development Round, which was launched in 2001 with an explicit focus on addressing the needs of developing countries. According to a European Union statement, "The 2008 Ministerial meeting broke down over a disagreement between exporters of agricultural bulk commodities and countries with large numbers of subsistence farmers on the precise terms of a 'special safeguard measure' to protect farmers from surges in imports." The position of the European Commission is that "The successful conclusion of the Doha negotiations would confirm the central role of multilateral liberalisation and rule-making. It would confirm the WTO as a powerful shield against protectionist backsliding." An impasse remains. As of June 2012, the future of the Doha Round remains uncertain: The work programme lists 21 subjects in which the original deadline of 1 January 2005 was missed (So was the next unofficial target of the end of 2006.)
The WTO's predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), was established after World War II in the wake of other new multilateral institutions dedicated to international economic cooperation — notably the Bretton Woods institutions known as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. A comparable international institution for trade, named the International Trade Organization was successfully negotiated. The ITO was to be a United Nations specialized agency and would address not only trade barriers but other issues indirectly related to trade, including employment, investment, restrictive business practices, and commodity agreements. But the ITO treaty was not approved by the U.S. and a few other signatories and never went into effect.
In the absence of an international organization for trade, the GATT would over the years "transform itself" into a de facto international organization.
Among the various functions of the WTO, these are regarded by analysts as the most important:
It oversees the implementation, administration and operation of the covered agreements.
It provides a forum for negotiations and for settling disputes.
Additionally, it is the WTO's duty to review and propagate the national trade policies, and to ensure the coherence and transparency of trade policies through surveillance in global economic policy-making.[30][32] Another priority of the WTO is the assistance of developing, least-developed and low-income countries in transition to adjust to WTO rules and disciplines through technical cooperation and training.
The WTO is also a center of economic research and analysis: regular assessments of the global trade picture in its annual publications and research reports on specific topics are produced by the organization.[34] Finally, the WTO cooperates closely with the two other components of the Bretton Woods system, the IMF and the World Bank.
Principles of the trading system
The WTO establishes a framework for trade policies; it does not define or specify outcomes. That is, it is concerned with setting the rules of the trade policy games. Five principles are of particular importance in understanding both the pre-1994 GATT and the WTO:
Non-discrimination. It has two major components: the most favoured nation (MFN) rule, and the national treatment policy. Both are embedded in the main WTO rules on goods, services, and intellectual property, but their precise scope and nature differ across these areas. The MFN rule requires that a WTO member must apply the same conditions on all trade with other WTO members, i.e. a WTO member has to grant the most favorable conditions under which it allows trade in a certain product type to all other WTO members. "Grant someone a special favour and you have to do the same for all other WTO members." National treatment means that imported goods should be treated no less favorably than domestically produced goods (at least after the foreign goods have entered the market) and was introduced to tackle non-tariff barriers to trade (e.g. technical standards, security standards et al. discriminating against imported goods).
Reciprocity. It reflects both a desire to limit the scope of free-riding that may arise because of the MFN rule, and a desire to obtain better access to foreign markets. A related point is that for a nation to negotiate, it is necessary that the gain from doing so be greater than the gain available from unilateral liberalization; reciprocal concessions intend to ensure that such gains will materialise.
Binding and enforceable commitments. The tariff commitments made by WTO members in a multilateral trade negotiation and on accession are enumerated in a schedule (list) of concessions. These schedules establish "ceiling bindings": a country can change its bindings, but only after negotiating with its trading partners, which could mean compensating them for loss of trade. If satisfaction is not obtained, the complaining country may invoke the WTO dispute settlement procedures.
Transparency. The WTO members are required to publish their trade regulations, to maintain institutions allowing for the review of administrative decisions affecting trade, to respond to requests for information by other members, and to notify changes in trade policies to the WTO. These internal transparency requirements are supplemented and facilitated by periodic country-specific reports (trade policy reviews) through the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM). The WTO system tries also to improve predictability and stability, discouraging the use of quotas and other measures used to set limits on quantities of imports.
Safety valves. In specific circumstances, governments are able to restrict trade. The WTO’s agreements permit members to take measures to protect not only the environment but also public health, animal health and plant health.
There are three types of provision in this direction:
articles allowing for the use of trade measures to attain non-economic objectives;
articles aimed at ensuring "fair competition"; members must not use environmental protection measures as a means of disguising protectionist policies.
provisions permitting intervention in trade for economic reasons.
Exceptions to the MFN principle also allow for preferential treatment of developing countries, regional free trade areas and customs unions.
Organizational structure
The General Council has the following subsidiary bodies which oversee committees in different areas:
Council for Trade in Goods
There are 11 committees under the jurisdiction of the Goods Council each with a specific task. All members of the WTO participate in the committees. The Textiles Monitoring Body is separate from the other committees but still under the jurisdiction of Goods Council. The body has its own chairman and only 10 members. The body also has several groups relating to textiles.[40]
Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
Information on intellectual property in the WTO, news and official records of the activities of the TRIPS Council, and details of the WTO's work with other international organizations in the field.
Council for Trade in Services
The Council for Trade in Services operates under the guidance of the General Council and is responsible for overseeing the functioning of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). It is open to all WTO members, and can create subsidiary bodies as required.
Trade Negotiations Committee
The Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) is the committee that deals with the current trade talks round. The chair is WTO's director-general. As of June 2012 the committee was tasked with the Doha Development Round.
The Service Council has three subsidiary bodies: financial services, domestic regulations, GATS rules and specific commitments. The General council has several different committees, working groups, and working parties. There are committees on the following: Trade and Environment; Trade and Development (Subcommittee on Least-Developed Countries); Regional Trade Agreements; Balance of Payments Restrictions; and Budget, Finance and Administration. There are working parties on the following: Accession. There are working groups on the following: Trade, debt and finance; and Trade and technology transfer.
size 11, Font text Ebrima say yes then Queen of Scots will be Emmo Hemmian
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